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Share the Play: Boys

The following are links to our Share The Play game catalog. 

Share the Play allows us to animate a game on a screen with step by step instructions.  Under each heading/link there are a number of games that can be followed.  For players this should help explain the games we run in practice, and for coaches it should help remind you of what you have available, how a drill operates, and what we should be focusing on within each game.

For our games to be Constraints Led, the following must occur:

  • They must be fast paced with little to no lines, or waiting to play.
  • They must include as many 'touches' as possible.
  • They must, as much as possible, be opposed and competitive.
  • They must be progressive and change as constraints are added, or removed.
  • They must replicate a part of the game itself. 

Make reps "left" and "right" handed.  Avoid the terms "strong hand" and "off hand".  This makes it much easier to ensure everyone is doing the same thing.

Limit games to 10 minutes. 

Make drills as competitive as possible.  Make sure your players are wearing pinnies and are split into two even colors at the start of practice.  Keep score.  Have a consequence for losing. (pushups, etc.)

Ensure there are a LOT of balls at each drill line or station.  Do not allow players to chase balls unless they are out.  Keep the drill running as much as possible.

Get creative.  Move drills around the field. Use field lines to force play in a certain way.  Start with ground balls and finish with shots when appropriate.  Adapt for age and to increase touches or more game-like scenarios.

Stick Drills: All of these drills are intended to improve stick skills such as catching, throwing and scooping.  For these drills, make sure there are ample balls in each group, there are equal reps in both the left and right hands.  Most of these drills are fast paced and can be used as warm up drills.  

Ground Ball Drills:  These drills all focus on complete ground ball proficiency.  From scooping the ball to moving it off the ground and up the field.  Run these drills all over the field; in the back corner, on the half line, right in front of the goal, sidelines, etc.  Never run a ground ball drill in one location with no relevance to the lacrosse field they will be playing their games on.

3v2 Drills:  3v2 drills are extremely fast drills that competitive drills that teach any number of lacrosse skills.  They can be adapted to any age group and recreated all over the field.  Keep these drills going as fast as is still productive.Generally use tennis balls to help improve stick skills and to make it easier on the keepers.

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